World Leaders Program

The B For Good Leaders Summit 2024 is committed to promoting equity and diversity. Across the globe, innovation is flourishing, particularly in the Global South, where people are addressing critical global issues, from inequalities to deforestation.

To ensure global representation and allow participants to share their unique experiences from diverse industries and geographies, we’ve established the ‘World Leaders Programme.’ This program encourages CEOs from the Global South to engage in the B for Good Leaders Summit.

By fostering inclusivity and diversity, the program aims to drive innovation, resilience, and global cooperation toward a more sustainable future. Through collaboration and fellowship, it envisions a global movement of B For Good Leaders working together to tackle complex challenges and create positive impact at scale.

Guayana Paez-Acosta

- Athena Lab for Social Change

“Systems transformation is interdependent with transformation of the Self. As we evolve on a path of personal sovereignty, we acknowledge that we inter-are with ALL there is, and our businesses become intentional reflections of the values that we hold and the individuals we have become. A regenerative economy calls for human beings to be present and available for our own regeneration. Letting go of the old ways of being and doing has never been more fashionable, nor so urgently required.”

Andrea Garzon

- Huella Verde

“The plastic pollution problem should be solve attacking the root of the problem, that is, by stopping the use of single use packaging and replacing it with reusable packaging. Companies can develop services that make this transition possible, like we do in Huella Verde. Our services in 9 foodcourts in Ecuador and Chile are avoiding every day the production, transportation and disposition of more than 60.000 single use dishes, cuttlery and glasses.”

Isabel Freile

- Revalue

“As a young female Latin American leader, I have a long road ahead of me to learn and contribute. I am passionate about learning from leaders, connecting and multiplying positive impacts. I would like to join forces with people that share my professional and personal purpose. My experience in promoting change in the local economic system and implementing innovative solutions, can contribute to multiplying positive impacts, I believe that connecting and generating relations is one of the most powerful tools to generate real change. I think I have much to contribute and furthermore, I am eager to learn and connect, so I can bring that knowledge and connections back home to Ecuador. Additionally, my organization (Revalue), has partnered with Sistema B Ecuador to organize and coordinate an Ecuadorian delegation for the event. With this collaboration we seek to join forces so that Ecuadorian organizations that promote positive impacts can benefit from the event and form international alliances.”

Mariela Oppici

- Amagi

“Today, human activities significantly impact planetary boundaries, increasing the risks and challenges to life on Earth. Simultaneously, inequality and poverty are increasing in some regions of the world. Particularly in Latin America, the context is not always favorable, since we find populations with unmet basic needs, living in marginal conditions, and vulnerable to climate disasters. It is crucial for us to regenerate our economic system and the way we operate, not just for us, but for the well-being of future generations. We have to understand how much our actions affect the whole world. The Summit presents a tremendous opportunity to establish international connections, foster synergies, and form strategic alliances to collaboratively develop solutions that include the entire world. It is imperative that we leave no one behind, as we all share a common home—the Earth.”

Paúl Riera

“I am making small farming sexier everyday.”

Suzan Joy

- Wellbeing Economy Alliance

“We share the same universal needs; food, safety, love, connection, discovery, contribution, playfulness etc. Building a wellbeing society means breeding spaces that allows everyone and everything in it to be it’s true authentic self. Paying attention to what is going on within and around ourselves. With this interior clarity, we are able to establish high quality relations within which we can more easily co-create mutually fulfilling outcomes.”

Sandra Reed

- Sistema B Ecuador

“I believe that every single person has the power to impact in the community, business, and its surroundings. We need people to focus not only on its own square meter but realize that we are part of a world that is interrelated, we need to make the necessary changes to make it better, and the people like us, have the power to influence other people. It is our responsibility and obligation to dedicate time to look for feasible answers and make a positive impact in the world.”

Carlos Galazzo

- Amagi

“In an era where the interplay of environmental, social, and economic challenges demands more from us than ever before, we stand at a pivotal crossroads. The path towards a regenerative economy is not just a choice but a necessity, one that compels us to redefine the essence of leadership and prosperity. As leaders committed to the greater good, our mission transcends mere sustainability; it calls for a profound transformation in how we view our role within the tapestry of life. By embracing radical interdependence, we acknowledge that every decision we make reverberates through the web of existence, affecting generations to come. Our pledge to prioritize long-term systemic value over immediate gain is more than a strategy; it’s a testament to our recognition that the true measure of success lies in the health and vitality of our planet and its inhabitants. Together, as architects of a regenerative future, we commit to cultivating leadership that not only navigates the complexities of today but sows the seeds for a flourishing tomorrow.”

Yumnaa Firfirey

- Towards Uhuru Consulting

“It makes business sense for the long term viability of businesses to ensure that they operate amongst thriving communities and in a healthy society. It is therefore essential that businesses tackle inequality and poverty, particularly when doing business in emerging economies.”

Juan Jose del Valle

- J3M

“To keep our planet habitable, climate action cannot be a future consideration; it must be an immediate priority. From my experience leading a company dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency in Ecuador, I’ve firsthand seen how clean energy is not only viable but essential for the common good. My message to the summit participants is clear: ‘We must accelerate our transition to energy solutions that not only minimize our environmental impact but also regenerate and sustain our ecosystems. Technology and innovation in clean energy and energy efficiency are our most powerful allies in this mission, enabling us to achieve a balance where economic growth and environmental preservation mutually reinforce each other. It’s time to act boldly and decisively, putting clean energy at the service of the common good and securing a sustainable future for all.”


Become a leader

We would love for you to join the B for Good Leaders Network.

If you are a Founder, Partner, CEO or Board Member and committed to the new economy and eager to increase the positive impact of your business in society and/or the planet you can join our community.

In order to help us build the global network we ask every Leader to sponsor us a membership fee of €300per year.

By becoming a member of the community you will be able to attend the B For Good Leaders Dialogues Series monthly in which we bring inspiration, useful insights and connections around the key themes with like-minded leaders and unconventional speakers creating an inspiring, safe space to learn and take action.

As a Leader you will be invited to the Annual Summit and there, you will have access to the Leaders Lounge and many other special offers that we’re preparing for the next Summit edition.


Our present economic system is flawed. It is guided by a short-term vision that only takes the interests of a limited number of stakeholders into account and is deaf to the call of future generations.

The annual B for Good Leaders Summit exists to accelerate the transition towards a regenerative economy creating the conditions for a shared, durable prosperity. This will create social, environmental, and economic net positive value through a new model of regenerative leadership.

As inhabitants of planet Earth, we take up this intergenerational call which demands to reframe the very meaning of leadership.

To enable this evolution, as B For Good Leaders, we commit to:

1. embrace radical interdependence, the fundamental principle governing life on Earth, as the golden rule for decision-making, leading to a regenerative impact;

2. consider at least the next generation of humans in every business decision;

3. measure what matters to integrate systemic value creation into our definition of profit;

4. challenge extractive economic models and take a stand for the common good;

5. mobilize finance as a catalyst to transform the business perspective from short-termism to long-term shared value creation.

We commit to guiding our companies and organizations to embrace a purpose-driven model that creates value for all.

Through this joint leadership statement, we lay the foundation for collective actions and alliances, clearing the path for a new regenerative economy.


MAY 11 & 12, 2023

request an invite to join us

We want to personally invite only committed leaders, to ensure that you will be surrounded by 1000+ like minded global leaders, peers of your same level.

Please fill in your details to and we’ll be in touch.